Saturday, March 18, 2017

Starting Point

While I was ending the full achievement run on Stardew Valley I found a post on reddit [link] and I liked the idea, because mostly what you do in the game is to try to get as much money as possible so a lot of paths get closed due to the min-maxing nature of the game.

So here I'm going to document how this challenge went, I originally planned to do it on video, but then I remembered that I have the charm of potato and the entertainment value of a rock, and I don't want to get to edit a lot of hours on video :V

So what are the rules of the challenge you might ask well here they are
**Original rules by SailorOwl (Bunnyicon.png)

You arrive in Pelican Town as a florist. You are knowledgeable and dedicated, and can only derive income and engage in activities that are related to flowers. Flowers do not have the best profit margin, yours is a labor of love.
  1. You can only grow and sell flowers. The one exception is the beginning set of free turnips for some extra start money. You may not fertilize the turnips.
  2. You must grow at least one of each flower available per season.
  3. You believe in putting love and a personal touch in every step of the growing. You cannot purchase fertilizer. You are able to forage, fish, tap trees, etc to get the ingredients for crafting. However, you cannot sell any of your extra materials.
  4. You may use bee houses and sell the honey, but you cannot have more than 6. Bees help distribute pollen (use your in-game imagination), but you are not a professional bee keeper.
  5. No mines. Any ore needed for crafting must be purchased. You can break rocks and such to unlock a furnace.
  6. You may only forage and sell: daffodil, dandelion, sweet pea, and crocus. (You may forage any items to make fertilizer for your flowers, but you may not sell them.)
Pretty Straightforward right? well I want to add a couple of rules of my own

7. The goal is to obtain 1.5 million by the end of year 2
8. Greenhouse is only available on winter
9. We are florist and try to get along with everyone, except Sebastian, George and Clint they hate flowers and we hate them too try to be as civil as possible with them (3-5 hearts)
10. Must eat at least three times per day, put a third of stamina for the next day, we get the first week free from mom's worried meals :P

Updates every Monday and Friday (maybe on Wednesday too, but not so sure about it)